Second Opinion


The first opinion is important. A second is better.

Have you ever wondered: what would be the worst that could happen if the candidate you are going to hire FRACASA in the position?Is your professional prestige in the way? Probably yes. In addition, the plans of the area, the goals of the teams, the continuity of the company, the image with the clients, and the morale of other collaborators can be put at risk.

Of course, we will never be 100% sure of hiring an Executive. But it is always more advisable to have several sources of information before taking such a high risk as filling a key position in the organization.

Before you hire or promote that person,
get a second opinion.

Hiring and promotion decisions are high impact. For this reason, it is important to gather all the necessary information when hiring a candidate or promoting an employee. The more information, the lower the risks. If evaluations and assessments have already been carried out in your organization, and you want to have greater security in decision-making, we will give you an opinion outside the box.


Our evaluation process considers 5 steps that allow us to evaluate the executive as he is in his natural state, in everyday work and in working conditions under great pressure.

Definition of the job profile

In this stage, the position profile with which the participant will be evaluated is analyzed. This profile includes the definition of:

The critical tangibles of the position.
The experience required.
The desired personality profile.
The key competencies and achievements for the position.
The main values ​​of the organization or the area to be evaluated.

Personality assessments

This evaluation provides a holistic and balanced view, recognizing that all traits can be useful and effective in their own way.

Emotional intelligence

Deep interview

At this stage, an in-depth interview is carried out to verify that the Executive has the personality factors that will make him successful in the desired position.

Mastery of competencies
Relevant achievements

Integration of references

Preparation of Executive Report

The report is designed to make it easier for our clients to make decisions in the selection of the Executive.

Verification of compatibility of the tangible requirements of the Executive with the position to be filled.
Summary with the strengths, areas of opportunity and risk of the Executive.
Conclusions and development recommendations.
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What's the rush?

If you are about to hire or promote a collaborator, and you are not sure, we will give you a second opinion supported by state-of-the-art tools: Lumina Learning and based on references taken in-depth and in a professional manner, through an in-depth interview, conducted by one of our Senior consultants and applying a cutting-edge methodology.

Do you need a Second Opinion?

If your organization is going to hire or promote a collaborator and needs the opinion of an expert, complete the form and we will contact you.

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